Drunken Boat

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Drunken boat is a performance based webframework under heavy active developpment.

It offer Routing, View management and a projection based ORM, schema less and eventualy agnostic

A simple Hello World

first, install drunken-boat see http://drunken_boat.readthedocs.org/en/stable/install.html. Once drunken_boat installed you can boostrap your first application with:

drunken_run.py bootstrap example_blog

This will create for you all you need to start:

cd /home/yohann/Dev/drunken_boat/example_blog
python application.py

then visit http://localhost:5000/

Project Layout

drunken_run.py bootstrap example_blog create a new example_blog directory with base file structure to start working:

  -- __init__.py
  -- application.py
  -- router.py
  -- views.py
  -- projection.py
  -- config.py

content of application.py:

from drunken_boat import Application
from example_blog.router import MainRouter

app = Application(

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from werkzeug.serving import run_simple
    run_simple('', 5000, app, use_debugger=True, use_reloader=True)

application only need an Application instance with a Router responsible for routing the incomming requests.

content of router.py:

from drunken_boat.router import Router
from example_blog.views import MainView

class MainRouter(Router):
    view = MainView

a router can be as simple as this one but obviously you can add more endpoints using Router.patterns. Router can take a View attribute to compute the Response to return

content of view.py:

from drunken_boat.views import View
from werkzeug.wrappers import Response

class MainView(View):
    def get(self, request, **kwargs):
        response = Response('Hello World!', mimetype='text/plain')
        return response

Every request on “/” will return a “Hello World!” a lot more can be done in View check the documentation on how to manage much more with MiddleWare, Projection for database access and else.

See http://drunken_boat.readthedocs.org/ for full documentation

Indices and tables